So We've been a little slow with posting this week so I'm unloading the pictures and stories all in one post.
Sergey is doing great and we're loving every minute of the experience. It is crazy how much he has naturally fit into our family.

You might remember that
Sergey loves two things, soccer and cars (maybe Martin Prado makes the list now). Anyway, on our way to Six Flags Over Georgia we drove past a
Ferrari and we just had to stop. I told him I liked Ferrari's, so he said he took these pictures for me. He shares just about everything he has if you show an interest in it.

We asked
Sergey if he liked roller coasters and he didn't know what they were so Ashley had to show him a picture. After realizing what we were talking about he really wanted to go on one. Unfortunately for him we picked a really bad one to be his first (
Mindbender). He HATED it!!! We had to convince him to try one more (Batman) before he passed judgement. Luckily he really liked Batman and plans to go on more when we go back.

We let
Sergey play a few games before we left; basketball and the hammer. Believe it or not, he hit his first shot and won a basketball.

Ashley and I really wanted
Sergey to meet our families so we decided to visit Utah this past week and work remote. As we were flying into Salt Lake City he couldn't resist taking pictures of the mountains. He was glued to the window.
Sergey loves to ask Ashley and I to kiss. We think it's because it shows that we love each other. In the first week he asked us to kiss for a picture and loves to look at it. He says it's his favorite picture. He loves to blow it up on the
iPad and zoom in on our lips and show it to everyone. On the plane he zoomed in and then yelled Ashley's name (she was sitting across the aisle). It was hilarious. She took this picture on her phone and he showed it to everyone.
Sergey joking around while deplaning --

We met up with Ashley's family for the Provo 4
th of July parade.
Sergey was a little shy in the beginning so it took him a little time to get comfortable. Once he was comfortable he was back to his old self joking around with everyone.

We introduced
Sergey to
Arby's -- After 3 days straight of the
Arby's Burger and one more request we are
conviced he likes it... Ashley was trying to catch him with a weird look on his face here since that's what he does to us all of the time.

As expected he could pretty much do anything he wanted off of the diving board. Here's his front flip.

We took him up into the mountains to go hiking and fishing. He called this his Ninja pose.

remined me of myself running all over the mountain and climbing everything in sight. This is just one of the many rocks he ended up on top of.

We made it to the top and he just sat there for a while and stared at the lake. He loved every minute of it.

My parents and me and
Sergey at Lake Mary.

A duck flew in and he started following it around taking pictures. It was funny to watch because it seemed as the duck knew what was going on and was trying to swim away from him.

The Lake - I love the panoramic feature on the new
Soney camera!!! And, as soon as
Sergey learned about it, so did he. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of the pictures but at least they look great!!

In true
Sergey fashion, climbing something and playing around -- I had to hold myself back from going and getting him...

We took him fishing at one of my old fishing spots -- We assumed he wouldn't catch anything but we were quickly proven wrong. After about 30 minutes, 6 fish (catch and release of course), and tons of bug bites, we decided to call it good.

For some reason my parents have an old hockey mask in the garage.
Sergey grabbed it every chance he got and acted like he was Jason from Friday the 13
th... We all just about fell over laughing when he went and got a shovel and walked up as my brother was driving in... Such a joker!! he makes us smile all of the time..

We really wanted to take
Sergey to Temple Square. We watched the Testaments (he said it was good) and had a tour from a great Sister missionary from the Ukraine. He loved the experience! Later we learned that his tour guide was also an orphan and connected very easily with him. Coincidence? I think not...

Those miniature people at the reflecting pool are
Sergey and

Sergey has an infatuation for go karts. He hates losing and was
somewhat of a crazy driver... This is at Boondocks in

My Dad let us borrow the car while we were in Salt Lake City. He told me the engine was on its last legs...
Unfortunately, its last leg was a few miles short of where we needed it.
Sergey said he is ready to go "home" to Georgia. We had a great time in Utah, but it will be nice to be home! Thanks to everyone for a great trip! He can't stop talking about the fun times and great family that he met.
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