Thursday, July 22, 2010

Funny kid

I wanted to share a few funny stories from the past couple of weeks.

Sergey and Ashley were driving to soccer camp and listening to the radio. The song would spell a word during the chorus, and Ashley was singing along. Sergey joined in, but he was mixing up the "P" with a "B" (or so it sounded like to Ashley) -- so she tried to help correct him and give the proper spelling. Sergey replied, "I K-N-O-W." It was hilarious. Ashley almost had to pull over she was laughing so hard.

The second story is the exact opposite situation. Ashley and Sergey were driving again and she asked him how to say "goose bumps" in Russian. He told her and she gave it her best effort and struck out miserably. She thought she heard an "r" sound in the middle of the word -- which was not the case. So Sergey would say it again and Ashley would try again, and Sergey would say it again, and Ashley would try again (every time saying the "r" sound in the middle) -- until after about 5 minutes and she finally figured out the problem and said it correctly. Sergey started clapping and saying "good job, good job." He is really good about helping us sound out the Russian words, but he holds a pretty high standard for correct pronunciation!

EJ had to go into the office today for some meetings (he normally works from home), and EJ invited Sergey to go with him. Sergey was pretty excited, even though it meant waking up early. He loves spending one on one time with EJ. So, we wake him up and it takes him a few minutes to really get up, so when Ashley came back to check on him, he was all dressed up in his Sunday clothes. You see, when EJ goes into the office, he dresses up, so Sergey figured if I'm going to work with EJ, I better look the part. It was too cute.

Finally, the other day at the store, the clerk said to him, "How's it going, man?" After we left, Sergey said to Ashley, "He call me 'man' -- I no man, I boy." So she explained it was cool and taught him how to say, "What's up, man?" Now he pays attention and anytime he is called "man" he gives a big grin.

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