Friday was our day to spend with one of the chaperones, Elena. Sergey wasn't so sure how fun it would be to hang out with another adult (especially one who was a teacher). In the beginning he acted like he didn't want her around but after two seconds of not having to express his feelings using an Apple device, he was off and running.
Elena was great! I can see why she works with these kids. You could tell how much she loves them. She played with Sergey and played along with all of his jokes and let him be the tour guide. She was also very grateful for everything we did even to the point that she didn't want to accept a gift. We had a lot of fun together.

Ashley wanted to let them watch a movie with Russian subtitles by using foreign software. Unfortunately, that software gave our computer a virus… Doh!!! So, off to plan B. We went to a place called Splatter that you paint glaze on pottery and then they fire it and you take it home. It ended up being a cool experience, especially since they can take the work home to remember their summer in Atlanta.

First experience with Japanese Teppanyaki. As always, Sergey will try anything. Today we learned he likes Sushi.

Sergey threw in the cage again and hit 53 on the gun multiple times. There was a high school coach there watching and he wanted to sign him up. Maybe a future in baseball isn't out of the question. Hmmmm...

First experience with the snow cone -- can you say Cold Headache?

Friday Night Fireworks -- So we promised Elena that we would go to the game and stay for the Friday Night Fireworks show afterwards. Unfortunately the game went into extra innings ending with an 11th inning walk off by Infante – We didn't get him into bead until 1:30AM.

I was trying to take a picture of my thumb but Sergey got in the way :)

Without fail, he finds a cool car in our path. This is a Maserati

Sergey never ceases to amaze us. So we were walking back to the car and met up with a mother and her two boys (ages 3 and 4). I engaged her in a conversation and by the time we had crossed the street Sergey had turned around and given his baseball (a little league ball we bought for him to play with) to her son. I guess things stick - see the Jim Lett story from the game --
--Posted by EJ
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