Today was monumental – Sergey returned to Russia 4 ½ weeks ago and today was the first time we were able to speak with him. We had a 30 minute conversation without a translator and it appears as if Sergey has retained much of the English he learned while living with us this summer. This was a big blessing and as Ashley says "The Best Day Ever"!!! We would like to thank our friends Stephanie and Randall for giving us their daughter Tanya's cell phone number which facilitated the call.
Now for and update on the adoption. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Eastern European adoptions here are the basics:
1. Home Study
2. Dossier #1
3. First Visit
4. Dossier #2
5. Second Visit and Court
6. Third Visit and Return Home as a Family
Today we completed our home study and submitted it to USCIS for immigration clearance. This takes approximately 45 days which means we have 45 days to complete our first dossier. Please keep us in your prayers that we will have a smooth process. Thank you for all of your support!!!
EJ and Ashley
Congrats and good luck! We are so excited for ya'll!!